Monday, 14 March 2016

Mikala's Above Me, Below Me poem

Above Me, Below Me, In Front of Me and Behind Me

Above Me

I see thick bushy tree branches shielding the twinkly stars that are high up in the pitch black sky. Trees are swaying in the breeze, letting the leaves flutter down to the ground. I hear crickets high up in the night sky.

Below Me

There was a blanket of leaves covering the dark brown dirt. I feel the light brown dust break and then crumble underneath my hands. The long grass is swaying in the wind.

In Front of Me

The bark covered trees hide me away from the bright shining lights. I see all the year sixes sneakily crawling up the steep hill. There are lights blinding me.

Behind Me

Is a beautiful sparkling ocean. There are people with racing hearts as they run for their life to the tree in front of them. Is someone hiding behind me for protection from the lights?

By Mikala


  1. I liked how you used adjectives and it was very descriptive. My favorite was "There are people with racing hearts as they run for their life to the tree in front of them".

  2. Mikala I really like how your poem could put pictures in my head
    your poem was awesome.

  3. I really liked your poem Mikala, because I could imagine myself in your point of view. Keep up the good work!!! And Mikala is telling me to make this comment bigger!

  4. Mikala you did an amazing job on writing this poem. I really liked how you described what you heard. I could even imagine those noises ringing in my head!
