Thursday 26 May 2016

Room 3 and 15 Running Man Video

Hi everyone, Room 3 and 15 took up the challenge from room 1 and 11. Here is our Running Man. Enjoy and please comment. Miss J.


  1. The running man was nervous, exciting and fun as!! My favourite part was when Matthew is doing his break dance. GO MATHEW.

    (P.S The video couldn't be clicked by link so you need to highlight and copy and past the link to YouTube).

  2. Hi Room 3 (and Room 15!),
    I really like your running man video - it was very creative and I like how two classes participated. Did Mathew practice his break dance or was that spontaneous?

    1. I am not sure. I think Matthew knew how to do the break dancing already before we did the running man video.

  3. I think Matthew knew how to do the break dancing already and practice at home lots of time. He is very good at it.

  4. it was so fun. When Mathew was brake dancing we wanted to crack up
