Monday 12 September 2016

edited picture writing with mrs. daniel

On Thursday we did picture writing with Mrs. Daniel. Picture writing is where there is a random picture and you must write a story based entirely on that picture. This is the picture I got -

Here is my story :
The three fearless, ruthless dragons had just finished their 43-second nap and were now soaring gracefully into the sky like a young Charizard (a Pokemon).
However , the youngest one seemed to be going faster than the others had ever seen. That was most likely because he couldn't wait to see his grandfather for the 1st time in his entire life!

By Shreyas


  1. Wow Shreyas! Room 11 loves your description of the dragon. We were wondering what ruthless meant? We can't wait to be able to write like this when we are older. From Room 11

    1. Thanks Room 11. Ruthless basically means cruel / mean.
      I'm sure you guys will be able to write like this when you are older.

  2. Dear Shreyas, I really like you're story about the fearless dragon. It sounds so amazing because it sounds like it terrifying. Keep up the good work.

  3. Wow What a magical and magnificent story about these Pokemon I love charizard What inspired you to make this wonderful story

  4. WOW what a wonderful story. I like the way you described the dragons, like Charizard the pokemon. Was it hard to think of a fabulous story?
